Scrum vs. Agile – the Same or Not the Same?
Scrum vs. agile. You hear them used almost interchangeably in the software industry. But are they really the same thing? Learn about the differences between them in this article.
Virtually Agile: 3 Key Scrum Success Factors for Your Work-From-Home Team
When your team is co-located, communication and coordination come easy. But now employees are working in an entirely new world. How do you keep their productivity from falling off a cliff?
Trends in Mobile App User Adoption Rates
What are the trends in mobile app user adoption rates, and how can you be certain your app can cut through the clutter?
13 Make-Or-Break Items When Interviewing Potential Developer Candidates
The tech industry is extremely competitive nowadays. Tech experts share their advice on good signs and red flags for potential candidates on their résumés and during interviews.
15 Bad Habits Developers Should Give Up, According To Tech Execs
Tech industry experts discuss bad habits that they’ve encountered in their development teams and advise how they can be addressed.
Low Tech Adoption Rates? 13 Ways To Encourage Users To Try Your Software
It can be frustrating when people do not use the software that you have worked meticulously on to produce. 13 panelists share their ways to increase adoption rates.
How Do I Increase the Velocity of My Scrum Team?
Velocity is a key metric in Scrum. This metric measures the amount of work a given team can tackle during a sprint. Learn how we increase velocity per sprint to maximize value and efficiency.
9 Agile Lessons Learned from the Experts
We decided to ask members of the Ascendle team – all experienced agile practitioners – to look back at their A-ha! moments while using Scrum to manage their client projects.
Scrum Ceremonies: The Blueprint to a Highly Effective Sprint
Scrum ceremonies are designed to facilitate communication and planning while maintaining the team’s focus on productivity and efficiency. In this post, we’ll look at how they keep your development team locked in and on track.
Using a ‘Walking Skeleton’ to Reduce Risk in Software Innovation
A walking skeleton is a basic set of code that acts as a “starter pack” for the development team.
15 Tips for Tracking and Correcting Your Company’s Tech Issues and Bugs
Unexpected tech issues and bugs during development can be frustrating and time-consuming to fix. Ascendle CEO Dave Todaro offers his tip so that you know how to resolve them when they arise.
Why Microservices and Why Should I Care?
Microservices are an evolutionary approach to building software. Learn more about what they are and how they can help you to create better applications.