Accelerated Software Delivery

What We Do

Improve time to market on your mission-critical projects

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Highly Complex Projects

You may know how to execute your vision, but you lack the internal bandwidth to address a difficult project full of unknowns. Our proven process propels complex initiatives forward, faster.

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Highly Visible Projects

You can’t afford for your project to go into a black hole and come out months later full of bugs. Our fully transparent process ensures you’ll know the status of your project at all times.

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High Stakes Projects

Failure is not an option. Your project is expected to deliver true value to your stakeholders, with millions of dollars at stake. We’re so confident in our ability to perform, we guarantee results.

How We Work

A Strategic Approach to Solving Key Challenges

Phase 1: Strategy

Most software projects go over budget due to unforeseen complexity and changes in scope. The more information that can be discovered up front, the more accurate the projected schedule – and projected cost – will be.

We’ll work closely with you, typically over 6 to 8 weeks depending on the size and complexity of your project, to understand your vision and solidify your requirements, technology, and architecture.

Phase 2: Delivery

Once your product backlog is ready, senior software and quality assurance engineers start executing in two-week production sprints. At the end of each sprint, you’ll see new, fully-tested features that you can use in a private demo environment.

Scope varies from project to project, but we often produce a minimum viable product (MVP) within 16 to 20 weeks after the strategy phase.

What To Expect

Trusted By

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“Ascendle team members are experts in all aspects of agile product development. They helped our team execute at a level that they had not been able to achieve on their own and got the project back on track.”

Kartik Sakthivel, Vice President & Chief Information Officer, LIMRA LOMA LL Global

“Ascendle has a rare combination of business understanding and development chops, which allowed them to build our cloud platform in a highly efficient manner in direct response to market opportunities. We highly recommend Ascendle!”

Jeff Pollock, CEO, Idencia

“Ascendle’s team offered responsive customer service and thorough QA testing throughout the development process. They ensured that the web application was compatible across many browsers and devices, and trial users easily adapted to the end product.”

“There are a lot of companies who talk the talk, but Ascendle actually walks the walk. They do what other companies we’ve worked with claim they do, but have never actually done. They execute quickly and actually ship on schedule.”

David Young, Technical Product Owner, Honeywell Cybersecurity Division

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