App Accessibility: From the Newest Thing to the Necessary Thing
Follow these best practices when designing your app for accessibility to maximize your app's ADA compliance and avoid litigation.
Innovation Success Can Only Be Achieved Through Strong Technical Leadership
You can spend years building out a full, robust solution which may be technically perfect, but is delivered so late you miss the market opportunity. Strong technical leadership is the key.
Native App, Cross-Platform App, or Web App? How to Choose.
Choosing the right type of app for your business can be difficult. Here are the critical points to consider.
Trends in Mobile App User Adoption Rates
What are the trends in mobile app user adoption rates, and how can you be certain your app can cut through the clutter?
10 Most Critical Software Innovation Practices
How do the best firms drive software innovation? Check out the ten most critical factors we observe as companies champion themselves into the world of rapid software innovation.
Understand the Expected Value for Your Software Innovation Projects
How does your company define the success of a software development initiative? The definition is unique to you and your customers.
The Business Value of Test-Driven Development
We often hear the engineers discussing terms such as test-driven development (TDD), unit tests and code coverage. What does that all really mean, and how does it translate to business value for your company?
The 4 Types of Intellectual Property Rights and the ONE Best Choice For Your Mobile App
You want to protect your software from the competition and maintain your advantage. But when it comes to software, what intellectual property rights do you really need?
5 Simple Steps for Building Software
Don’t get me wrong…building software is hard work. Especially good software that customers are willing to pay for. But the development process can be pretty straightforward. Simple, even.
Maximize Software ROI By Merging Customer Satisfaction and Agility
Learn how to combine customer satisfaction and agility to increase your software innovation return on investment.
Scope Creep, Rework and External Dependencies: 3 Uncertainties That Threaten Every Project
In agile software development, timing is everything. Here we explore the elements you need to overcome to consistently ship early.
How Using Checklists for Software Development Help Agile Teams Deliver More Business Value
Process documentation is incredibly useful but it can get lengthy. Learn how we use supporting checklists to help a team member navigate each aspect of our Scrum projects.