Complete Guide to Communities of Practice [eBook]
Download our eBook, "Complete Guide to Communities of Practice" today! Learn how agile practitioners knock down silos to maximize knowledge-share.
Free Agile Assessment That Goes Beyond Maturity [Template]
Download our eBook, "People, Processes, & Tools: a Framework for Maximum Agility" today! Discover the framework that breaks down specific roles and activities to set your team up for success and maximum agility.
A Step-by-Step Guide to Software Estimating [Template]
In this post, we will walk you step by step through the process of Software Development Estimating, explaining how to use our template to create an estimate.
Essential App Development Skills Your Team Must Have
You look, you search, you interview…but each app development company sounds vaguely similar to all the others. So what sets an app development team apart?
5 Common Obstacles When Forming Your First Scrum Team
Forming a pilot Scrum team isn't as simple as just filling some roles; learn more about overcoming 5 common obstacles here.
Why You Can’t Always Coin a Project ‘Agile’: Adopting Agile
Considering adopting agile? We've developed this reference to help guide your decision-making process.
Why You Can’t Always Coin a Project ‘Agile’: When Agile Fails
Agile is not a silver bullet that can solve all your project problems; here are 8 commons reasons why agile fails when used incorrectly.
Why You Can’t Always Coin a Project ‘Agile’: Agile Fundamentals
In this series of articles, we'll dive deeply into agile development methodology; this article will introduce agile fundamentals. We'll discuss what it is, how it differs from [...]
Managing Stakeholder Expectations
One of the most challenging aspects of software development is not building the right solution, but rather managing stakeholder expectations within the business.
How Do I Increase the Velocity of My Scrum Team?
Velocity is a key metric in Scrum. This metric measures the amount of work a given team can tackle during a sprint. Learn how we increase velocity per sprint to maximize value and efficiency.
FAQs About Working With an Agile Software Development Partner
In this article, we explore some of the common questions our clients ask regarding what it’s like to work with an agile software development partner using a Scrum framework.
The Perfect Scrum Team Size for Optimal Performance
Having a properly sized Scrum team is essential. Learn about the pros & cons of a large and small Scrum team and best practices here.