Ascendle Unscripted: Agile is Dead—Long Live Agile!
Is agile dead? Explore the future of agile transformation, its challenges, and how organizations can adapt to keep agile principles alive and impactful.
No More Tug-of-War: How Merging Annual Planning with Agile Delivery Leads to Smarter Software Solutions
Merging together a lean business planning approach with agile delivery practices ends the push-pull and leads to a single software solution that works for everyone.
An Agile Answer to Cybersecurity Threats in the Financial Sector
Learn how agile methods aid in fighting against cybersecurity threats in fintech, healthtech, and private equity transactions.
An Agile Approach to Healthcare’s Digital Revolution
By applying agile framework principles of iterative releases, and stakeholder feedback, healthcare organizations can seamlessly implement healthtech solutions for improved patient care.
Overcoming the Challenges of Delivering Software Projects on Time
From accurate estimation techniques to managing scope creep and resource allocation, learn how to foster communication and meet realistic deadlines. Enhance your project management skills and ensure successful software project delivery with these valuable insights.
T-Shaped Scrum Teams: Speeding Throughput via Broader Skill Sets
Underperforming, over-specialized Scrum teams are a problem of the past. Start assembling T-shaped Scrum teams instead.
Strategies for Product Leaders to Balance Software Development Risk and Innovation
Striking the right balance between innovation and risk when developing software products can signal the difference between success and failure.
Scrum vs. Agile – the Same or Not the Same?
Scrum vs. agile. You hear them used almost interchangeably in the software industry. But are they really the same thing? Learn about the differences between them in this article.
Using Scrum Outside of Software – A Marketing Perspective
Scrum isn't just for software. Read about how using Scrum for marketing and other business functions leads to more productivity and accountability from your teams.
Agile Epic vs. User Story: What’s the Difference?
User stories are a fundamental component of any agile development. They are lightweight requirements that represent new functionality that delivers value to business stakeholders.
SPIDR: An Alternative Method for Splitting User Stories
By keeping user stories small, it’s much easier for the team to do a little bit of everything all the time, a key principle of Scrum. SPIDR is one method of splitting stories in order to fit them into a sprint.
Failure is Not an F-Word: Reframe Failure as Experience
Failure is an essential ingredient in the learning process, so let's reframe failure as the learning experience it is.