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Building an entrepreneurial and innovative culture within tech teams can lead to significant benefits, such as streamlined processes, increased employee engagement, and the development of exciting new products and services. However, these advantages are only realized when innovation is anchored in practicality. If team members are generating ideas and initiatives that don’t align with the organization’s strategic goals, it can result in wasted time, resources, and frustration when these ideas don’t materialize.

So, how can tech leaders strike a balance between encouraging creative thinking and problem-solving while ensuring the team remains focused on shared organizational objectives? Here, 16 members of the Forbes Technology Council share effective strategies for nurturing a culture of practical innovation. Their insights will help you channel your team’s enthusiasm for ideation and improvement while staying aligned with essential strategic goals.

Adopt The ‘Press Release From The Future’ Method

“We like to employ an idea from Amazon: the ‘press release from the future.’ Anyone with an idea can write a press release from some future date, announcing the launch of their innovation. Whether it’s an internal idea or an outward-facing one, the press release clearly outlines the future vision to get alignment early, before any significant investment of time and resources has been made.” – Dave Todaro

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