APIs Are the Cornerstone of the Digital Era
APIs are essential to modern computing, and we use them every day without even realizing it. If you're unfamiliar with the power of APIs, familiarize yourself with them here.
Five More Top API Management Development Tools
If your organization is like many others, then you're beginning to realize that APIs are the future of your business. Here are 5 more of the top API management tools used by Ascendle's custom software development team.
Composable APIs Paving the Way for the Composable Enterprise
The composable enterprise is the ultimate goal of any organization looking to engage with customers, employees, partners, and things at scale.
Using APIs in Hospitality
APIs in the hospitality industry are being used to improve external experiences and internal processes. Learn more here.
Deriving Business Value Through Microservices Architecture
Increasingly, top companies are deriving business value through microservices architecture. Here's why.
10 Things You Need to Know About Kubernetes
Kubernetes is an open-source platform that orchestrates the management, deployment, and scaling of applications in containers. Here are 10 things you need to know about it.
Four More Effective Approaches for Legacy Modernization
There is no reason to rely on outdated legacy systems that are costly and inefficient. These four suggestions for legacy modernization will help improve your applications.
Updating Legacy Technology? 16 Strategies for Success
Updating legacy systems can be a cumbersome process. Consider these tips before diving head-first into your next upgrade.
How to Effectively Move to the Cloud: Balancing the Strategic with Pragmatic
Can legacy applications take advantage of all the cloud has to offer? Or will they be stuck in a less-than-ideal “lift and shift” scenario, where applications are re-hosted in the cloud, but take advantage of only a fraction of its benefits?
Minimize the Risk of App Modernization: a Five Step Process
Learn about steps you can take to avoid risk when modernizing your app.
Build a New Software Product or Extend an Existing One? App Modernization Options Explained.
The first choice regarding app modernization? Whether to do it at all.
Lemongrass Legacy to Cloud Survey
A new survey of more than 150 technology leaders suggests that security is both a key driver and challenge when moving to the cloud.