Velocity Multiplier

Give a man a fish, you feed him for a day. Teach a man to fish… well, you get the point.

Gain maximum software velocity and long-term ROI with the Velocity Multiplier solution. Choose this offering to improve speed to market with mission-critical projects while upskilling your team along the way. Our US-based team will work closely with your team to model the way while they ensure your project delivers maximum business value.

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Benefits of the Velocity Multiplier Offering

In addition to technical expertise, our Velocity Multiplier arms your team with the necessary agile training and coaching to maximize their own potential. Best of all, we do this while we’re building your next great product.

Here are the key benefits of our Velocity Multiplier.

Training & Coaching

The heart of the Velocity Multiplier is the course material provided to your team members, both in-classroom and in the field. They’ll learn the strategies and tactics used by our teams, all taught by agile trainers and coaches.

Embedded Team Members

Following proven modeling techniques, clients embed their developers, ScrumMasters and Product Owners within our Scrum teams. The synergies that result from this unique offering contribute to swifter team velocity and greater long-term success.

More Attention

Upskilling your teams requires more time & attention for your people. We provide a dedicated Product Owner, ScrumMaster & Quality Engineer, regardless of team size.

Strategy & Delivery

The training, coaching and modeling included with the Velocity Multiplier supplement the Strategy & Delivery services that are included with our custom software development.

Phase 1: Strategy

Here’s the secret other firms won’t tell you: At the beginning of a project, it’s impossible to know the total cost of a custom software development project.

Most software projects go over budget due to unforeseen complexity and changes in scope. The more information that can be discovered up front, the more accurate the projected schedule – and projected cost – will be.

That’s why all of our custom software development engagements begin with a detailed strategy phase.

During this phase, our team of product and development experts works closely with you to understand your vision and solidify your requirements, technology, and architecture. We create a prioritized “to-do list” – the product backlog – which will be used to guide the work of the team. We also work with you to bring the user interface design to life and create a click-through prototype of your product.

Our custom development strategy phase typically runs 6 to 8 weeks, depending on the size and complexity of your project.

Phase 2: Delivery

Fully formed Scrum teams can be scaled to match your delivery time frame.

During the strategy phase of your project, we solidify your anticipated launch date and project budget. Once a team size is chosen, senior software engineers and a quality assurance engineer are ramped up and start executing in two-week production cycles called sprints.

Each of Ascendle’s development teams operates on two-week sprints. The only difference is the number of resources dedicated to your project. This allows you the flexibility to accommodate your budget requirements and launch on time. Scope varies from project to project, but we often produce a minimum viable product (MVP) within 16 to 20 weeks after the strategy phase.

Every 2 weeks you’ll see new, fully-tested features that you can use in a private demo environment. As you see the product coming together and show it to your team and users, you’ll inevitably come up with new ideas.

We’ll continuously work with you to respond to changing business conditions, adjusting the backlog to course-correct the work of the team.

Seven Deliverables From Our Strategic Process


Roles & Features

Through working sessions we’ll dig deeper to understand the full scope of the product and create a high-level roles and features list.

Product Backlog

We’ll write a full set of user stories, which define the desired behavior of the system. We’ll work with you to put them into a force-ranked list, which forms the product backlog.


Size Estimate

Through a series of 3 to 5 estimating sessions, our technical experts review the product backlog and assign points to each user story to create a level of effort estimate.

Schedule Projection

Leveraging the size estimate, recommended development team size, and desired start date, we create an estimated completion schedule.


Coaching and Training Throughout

Your team is upskilled & mentored during the strategy and development phases of the project.

We inject one of our high-performing Ascendle development teams to work alongside you and your team. Our team spends time training, coaching, and mentoring your development teams on how agile should work at your company with your unique challenges and how to effectively communicate to management what’s possible and when.

You get an immediate increase in development throughput, you get faster training and coaching, and you know it will work because our team is doing it every day on your technology.

BONUS: Free Book


Along with training, your team will receive free electronic and/or printed copies of our founder’s book containing all our training concepts and much, much more.

Six Fundamentals of our Velocity Multiplier Offering



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“Ascendle team members are experts in all aspects of agile product development. They helped our team execute at a level that they had not been able to achieve on their own and got the project back on track.”

Kartik Sakthivel, Vice President & Chief Information Officer, LIMRA LOMA LL Global

“Ascendle has a rare combination of business understanding and development chops, which allowed them to build our cloud platform in a highly efficient manner in direct response to market opportunities. We highly recommend Ascendle!”

Jeff Pollock, CEO, Idencia

“Ascendle’s team offered responsive customer service and thorough QA testing throughout the development process. They ensured that the web application was compatible across many browsers and devices, and trial users easily adapted to the end product.”

“There are a lot of companies who talk the talk, but Ascendle actually walks the walk. They do what other companies we’ve worked with claim they do, but have never actually done. They execute quickly and actually ship on schedule.”

David Young, Technical Product Owner, Honeywell Cybersecurity Division

Business Value Guarantee

We’re so confident in our ability to perform, we guarantee results. We deliver business value every two weeks, or you don’t pay.

When failure is not an option, turn to Ascendle to deliver on your strategic goals.

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