
Front End Development with Vue.js

At Ascendle, we use the Vue.js framework to create interactive online user interfaces and single-page apps (SPAs). Vue.js sounds like “view” or “view.js” and is frequently enunciated as such. Vue.js is one of the top three front-end frameworks chosen by web professionals, according to the State of JS 2019 front-end frameworks survey.

A bit of background: Evan You created Vue.js while working for Google and utilizing AngularJS. He made a lightweight JavaScript framework based on AngularJS that he later called Vue.js. Vue.js 1.0 was launched in February of that year. He and the rest of the current core team are now responsible for running it. Invariably, Vue.js is gaining popularity due to its ease of integration with other projects and frameworks.

The Vue.js framework makes it straightforward for our team to develop on mobile devices thanks to its support for the Virtual DOM and component-based architecture. So under its core, it blends the finest of Ember, React, and Angular while also introducing its unique methodologies around the web application development process.

Also, server-side rendering, routing, and state management are all supported by the official Vue.js packages. Although the primary development layer is centered on the whole user experience, it offers the option of importing or integrating third-party libraries and tools. Thus, our aim, and objective with the Vue.js framework, is to build highly successful and resilient single-page (SPA) apps.

What are SPAs? Single-page applications, or SPAs, provide end-users with an app-like experience on a single page. A one-page application is a program with only one page of code (SPA). When a user clicks on any one of them, the existing page is dynamically updated rather than loading new pages from a server. Hence, its lightning-fast response time.

While developing front-end programs, we can use Vue.js to integrate any JavaScript, HTML, and CSS document. Vue.js allows us to quickly expand HTML by utilizing directives, which are HTML elements. Moreover, Vue.js enhances HTML applications’ capabilities using built-in and user-defined commands.

Using Vue’s component architecture, we can also create large-scale applications by constructing them from smaller, self-contained, and typically reusable components. In addition, with Vue.js, we can reduce any application interface to a tree of components.

Since Vue.js supports third-party libraries and components, we can rapidly implement new technologies into their current applications, saving our programmers time while keeping your apps up to date with industry trends.

Further, because of its MVVM (Model-view-view-Model) design, Vue.js also enables two-way communication, often known as ‘two-way data binding.’ With that in mind, we can make any requested changes to your user interfaces, and it will be mirrored within the data and do the same conversely.