Awhile back, we talked about how vehicle manufacturer Ford is innovating with software in its Wi-Fi-enabled vehicles and parking sensors. But that’s not the only way the manufacturer has adopted a software-company mindset.

Vehicle manufacturer

Ford has also turned to partnering with other non-industry players to create innovative potential product offerings. Zipcar and Ford partnered to create a car-sharing program on college campuses around the U.S., and it’s piloting a similar program in Germany. In other areas, Ford is developing partnerships to create applications that service drivers searching for parking spots, reserving parking in certain areas and looking up parking rules. Ford is also searching out opportunities in the car-sharing industry.


Bank of America is another company looking innovatively at software investments. Connecting analytics and automation to benefit investments for the consumer, the bank has joined efforts with Wealthfront. The partnership has allowed Bank of America to use the service to help manage $1 billion and more in investments, foregoing traditional and stodgy methods of selecting investments and optimizing the process.

Whether your business outsources its IT, has a small team, or the luxury of a well-developed IT machine, it’s clear that as Medix CEO Derek Roos said in 2014, “Organizations need to unleash the creative potential of their workforces by giving them access to visual tools that will enable them to dynamically design and create applications in collaboration with IT. Rather than continuing to view IT as a separate department within business… IT needs to become an integral part of the business process.”

How does your business need to transform its mindset to reach this reachable goal?

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